Cow Creek Tribal Police Department Sponsors UCC Police Reserve Academy Graduates

UCC Police Reserve Academy graduates Alan Mata (left) and Sarah Medina (right) with Tribal Police Chief Marty Case (center)
Cow Creek Tribal Police Department (CCTPD) sponsored two students to attend the Police Reserve Academy at Umpqua Community College. Cow Creek Umpqua Tribal member Alan Mata and Sarah Medina (who won the Defensive Tactics award by vote of her classmates) were members of the 27th class of the academy, and graduated on May 24.
The academy allows students interested in law enforcement the chance to both earn college credit hours and gain exposure to all aspects of a police officer’s job on a smaller scale, such as firearms safety, civilian law, criminal investigation, taser training, body camera training, defensive tactics, corrections, and more.
To help offset the cost of the courses, local police departments choose one or two academy students each year to sponsor, and may even extend job offers to graduates as well.
Congratulations Alan and Sarah!